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5 Tips To Deal With Your Hair Loss After Having Covid

Do you find yourself struggling with hair loss after having Covid? You're not alone. Many people are reporting hair loss as a symptom of the virus. While the jury is still out on why this is happening, we know that it can be difficult and distressing to deal with. If you're looking for ways to cope with your hair loss, here are three tips that may help. Read on for more, from dealing with the emotional fallout to practical solutions for regrowing your hair.

How to tell if your hair loss is due to Covid

If you're experiencing hair loss after having Covid, it's essential to understand if your hair loss is due to the virus. One way to tell is by looking at your hair loss pattern. If you're losing patches of hair or if your hair is thinning out in clumps, this could be a sign that your hair loss is due to Covid. Another way to tell is by examining your scalp. If you notice any redness, inflammation, or scabbing on your scalp, this could also signify that your hair loss is due to Covid. Finally, if you are experiencing any other symptoms along with your hair loss (such as fatigue, fever, or body aches), this could indicate that your hair loss is indeed due to Covid.

If you think you may be experiencing hair loss due to Covid, seeing a doctor as soon as possible is essential. Hair loss can be a symptom of a more serious underlying condition, so it's essential to get checked out by a medical professional. They will be able to perform tests to confirm whether or not your hair loss is indeed due to Covid and provide you with the appropriate treatment plan.

5 Tips to Deal with hair loss after Having Covid

1. Talk to your doctor: If you are experiencing hair loss after having Covid, the first step is to talk to your doctor. They can help rule out any underlying medical conditions causing your hair loss.

2. Try a new hairstyle: If your hair is thinning, consider trying a new hairstyle that can help make your hair look fuller. For example, try a layered cut or add waves or curls to your hair.

3. Use products specifically for hair loss: Many products on the market are designed to help with hair loss. These products can help thicken and volumize your hair, making it look healthier and fuller.

4. Be gentle with your hair: Use soft strokes to avoid tugging or pulling on your hair too harshly when washing or brushing. This pulling can further damage already fragile strands and exacerbate hair loss.

5. Eat a healthy diet: A healthy diet rich in protein, iron, and omega-3 fatty acids can help promote healthy hair growth. Be sure to include plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.


Losing your hair can be a frustrating and emotionally challenging experience, especially if it's sudden and unexpected. If you're dealing with hair loss after having Covid, know you're not alone. Use these five tips to help you cope with hair loss and take care of your scalp and strands.

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